Friday, 23 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
After the hype of the Cadbury Gorilla ad, especially on youtube.. comes the spoof! Wonderbra have created this ad based on the Glass and a half full Production, with the tag line 'two cups full of joy'. I think that it is really well 'spoofed' with the colour changing from purple to the Wonderbra yellow and the tagline is very clever also. I love the little thing she does with her nose ('grrrrr') half way through. Works better on the Gorilla though!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Spoof
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Japanese Fashion
These 'fashion' items were on TV the other day and I have managed to find some pictures of them. They are absolutely ridiculous... but soooo Japanese at the same time! They are created by fashion designer Aya Tsukioka and they are clothes or bags which transform to decieve potential criminals. The vending machine starts off as a skirt which unfolds and transforms you into a vending machine. I can see these being used more for fancy dress than to make criminals oblivious to you! The handbag... well, you can just throw it on the floor and it is disguised as a manhole.. with a handle! Interesting... but a little daft.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Monday, 22 October 2007
Brylcreem 'Effortless' - the making
This makes the advert even more interesting. Nice little film to watch.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Brylcreem 'Effortless'
I just love this advert. I think that it is really witty and clever. The idea of men being lazy and not wanting to bother with the way they look transfers through to the direction of the advert. Great concept!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Guerilla Ad Mini
I have seen quite a few pieces of guerilla advertising by mini; the following is one of them. It is an abandoned package at the airport in Johannesburg. The idea of the new mini 'arriving' is taken literally. I would be interested to know if this was just launched in South Africa or whether mini did this around the world. The mini has checked out from the factory and checked in for us to buy.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Guerilla Advertising
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Levi Ad
This is a great ad! Brilliant art direction and a complete shock to my system. I know it sounds daft but I wouldn't have thought that Levi's would promote their products to a non british/american society. My nievity I suppose. I couldn't see it at first... you really have to view this image on a large scale to be able to view it properly... ill post a link. It's an absolutely fantastic concept and a great execution. Some great creative thinking going on here.
The copy reads:
Together we welcome the day of victory.
Happy Idul Fitri 1427H.
Idul Fitri is one of the holy festivals of Islam. Millions of people who believe in Islam kneel and offer prayers.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Guerilla Advertising by Virgin. A comical and intriguing way of advertising showing how Virgin pay attention to detail and are careful with passengers luggage. Not sure whether it is appropriate though because the passengers collecting their bags would already have used Virgin to fly. Perhaps the free advertising gained from this gimmick would spread the word which Virgin want everybody to know. Still, it's interesting!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advertising, Guerilla Advertising
Clever Advertising
I found these examples of Guerilla Advertising and Ambient Advertising on somebody else's website which I think are really clever. Some of them use the ordinary to make a clever way of advertising such as the 'tangled' electricity wires or the zebra crossing. These adverts make you see things which we see everyday into something clever and meaningful. The AllBran advert is interesting because it plays on words, but it wouldn't work unless it was on a vehicle such as a lorry... may be interesting to use on a tractor or some other forms of transport which most car drivers find annoying! Farm vehicles could work because bran is a biproduct of grain which is obviously grown and harvested on a farm.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Ambient, Guerilla Advertising
Monday, 15 October 2007
Mini Ad
An advert for Mini Cooper at the Zurich, Switzerland train station. I think this is another clever use of space and the 'poster' is placed in a good location. It shows people climbing into or out of the car, when they are actually entering or exiting the stairs down to the station. I think this would be interesting to see around London or Paris with the tubes... perhaps changing the colour of each. I think it's a really good concept to promote the size of the Mini.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Ambient Media
Dove Anti-Advertising Advertising
I know that the Dove Evolution video has been a huge success but I think it's also contributing to an Anti-Advertising phenomenom. They are promoting 'being natural' and saying that there is too much pressure to be 'perfect', but in return they are advertising their own products.
Dove Onslaught is the follow on from the evolution campaign in which a young girl, who is, by all indications, possessed of a healthy self-esteem and free of body-image anxieties, is hit by a media tsunami of images of female "perfection."
The message is "our unnatural, advertising-driven standards of beauty are going to drive our daughters crazy."
Although Dove are promoting a positive message, they are also building their brand at the same time. It may be better if they produced the video/campaign without bringing their name into it.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advertising, Anti-Advertising
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Ambient Escalator
Found this on youtube. Another example of ambient media. I like this idea and haven't come across it before. I think it works really well when more than one step is used and it shows almost a poster when you look at it from a certain angle. Depending on the size of the escalator depends on how long the person would see it for. It is a rotating advert.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Ambient Media
JWT Toronto Ambient Promotion
This ambient promotion, which ultimately has an objective of getting dirty people to think about washing their hands after using the toilet, is a little disgusting, but I like it!
Life sized decals were put over the door on the way out of men's bathrooms. JWT Toronto is drawing attention to hands and germs and things that spread.
Small stickers were placed close to the doorknobs read "You washed. This guy didn't." or "92% of guys say they washed. 34% were lying." with the website name.
Small attention to detail such as where the position of the door knob is in relation to the huge photo makes this ad work, although I don't really know how many guys would actually care!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Ambient Media
Y+ Yoga Center
After seeing the yoga straw posted on Holly Mee's wall I found this which I think it also suitably adapted to promote a yoga centre. As the time changes, the minute and hour hand of which the women's body is split, moves around the the body bends into what might be yoga positions. It promotes the flexibilty and stamina you gain from going to Yoga classes. I like this piece of ambient media but don't know where it would be applied e.g. Would they be given out? Where would they be positioned?
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Ambient Media
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Sky Movies 'Billboards'
An example of what I think is called 'Anti-Advertising'. Typically, anti-advertising is where people or societies deface adverts as a way of showing that they don't want to be bombarded with adverts but Sky has developed a campaign which I suppose is 'anti-advertising advertising' where they are promoting sky movies by saying that they won't be showing adverts inbetween the movie. They are promoting themselves through an advert even though they are saying no to adverts. Controversial. But don't you think the world looks sooooo boring and mundane without adverts. It made me realise that even though we are faced with adverts everyday... they are interesting and give you something to look at whilst travelling on the bus or train to work! They add colour to our lives. I don't know if I would want to give them up. They make life a little more interesting!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Anti-Advertising, TV
Thorntons Billboard
Thorntons produced a billboard of chocolate as a feature ad to promote Easter. The billboard which was positioned at 34 Henrietta Street (facing Covent Garden Piazza) in central London was made by hand by Thorntons’ Master Chocolatier Barry Colenso. The chocolate billboard measured 14.5 feet x 9.5 feet and was the worlds first edible billboard!
Thorntons had the space booked for a whole week but the 390Kg of chocolate was devoured by hungry passers-by in just 5 hours... notably children!
It's interesting how a billboard can be interactive without being digital.. it links in with the McDonalds ad because it it constantly changing without the use of computers or digital technology. The chocolate billboard brought people together and is a form of viral advertising for Thorntons as it was in all the local newspapers and featured in many of the regional papers such as The Times.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Interactive
Smart Advertising
Smart Brabus Car Advertising.
I saw this and thought it was really provoking and quite comical! It is in Rotterdam. At first he banner looks just like a normal banner on a bridge, but then when the bridge opens it transforms and looks as though the car is leaping into the air like an action shot from a movie!
Although it is only viewable from boat passengers or people on the banks of the river, the viral marketing which would come from the advert would be enough to promote the car.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Ambient Media
Anti-Advertising 2
Another video I found on Youtube similar to the previous one I posted, although this video is based the the concept that graffiti is bad and that nobody wants it around, and then relating this to advertising. It shows ordinary people in the city trying to make a difference in peoples lives. It reveals interesting facts and I think that the music is really appropriate to the style of video. Although these boards which they have attatched the the TV's may have been taken down the next day, they are trying to prove a point that not everybody wants to see it.
"graffiti research lab, eyebeam and the anti-advertising agency on nyc's graffiti problem inspired by jo lee's abstractor tv, original video by steve lambert, music by ratatat (thanks kenyatta!)"
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advertising, Anti-Advertising
McDonalds Advertising
McDonalds guerilla advertising which is a large billboard timedial. When the sun shines, depending on what time it is, it tells you which snack or meal you should eat from McDonalds. Interesting how something can change and communicate depending on what time it is so innocently and historically in a world of digital design where adverts on tv, for example, change depending on the statistics of the audience.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advertising, Guerilla Advertising
Anti-Advertising New York
I found this and think it's really interesting how people are so aware of advertising and aware that it bombards our lives. This person pixelates all the TV adverts in New York creating almost a piece of artwork rather than trying to sell us something. It's interesting how the colours from the TV show through the plastic covers showing something eyecatching.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advertising, Anti-Advertising
Friday, 12 October 2007
CityScape Coat Hanger
For those with money to throw, I have just found the best product to waste your hard earn money with. The Cityscape coat hanger! A set comes with 5 hangers, making you £250 poorer.
They are Laser-cut, then hand finished and varnished. Made from hard wearing multi-laminated Birch ply.
They illustrate the five major fashion and design capitals of the world: London, Milan, New York, Paris, Tokyo.
Source : Sixixis
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
I came across the logo for the Amsterdam Dance Event and I really like the fluidity of it. I have seen others like it but this is interesting because of the way each letter uses the letter besides it to form itself. The 'A' and the 'E' also rotate from each other.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Logo
Friday, 14 September 2007
Store Name - Sardinia
Whilst on holiday in Sardinia, I came across a really nice store facade in the old town of Alghero. The store's name is 'stone' and they have carved the name out of that material and placed it in a clear case on the shop front. I think it's simplicity gives it a classy and diverse edge, but also makes it look expensive and good quality. It's also good to see signage being made out of natural matierals instead of synthetic ones, such as plastic.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Courtney James
Courtney is a 23 year old graphic designer / illustrator from Detroit, Michigan. "My true love lies with the creation of graphic art and design" she says. "This media has given me the opportunity to accurately express my own personality and depict the elements that make this world so beautiful."
Courtney's illustrations are typically figurative, incorportating organic forms found throughout nature. She is constantly inspired by everything that surrounds her, and this reflects in her work. I love the organic feel that her works have and the contrast between photography and watercolour, reality and fantasy, hand-crafted and digital.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Design, Illustration, Mixed Media, Photography
Computer Arts
One of my favourite magazines is the Computer Arts magazine. It is always packed with information and says what's new in the world of design.
It also says:
Books which are useful
Handy hits and tips
How to find a job in Design etc
There is a really interesting article in this month's magazine about 'creating original artwork in a copycat world', which says what you should and shouldn't do in a deja vu world of design. Definately worth a read!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Book, Computer Arts, Magazine
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Emporio Peroni, Leeds
An exclusive shop in the heart of Leeds has been rented to house a single bottle of designer beer (not for sale) and its male model guard. The promotional idea is the brainchild of the Italian makers of Nastro Azzurro beer, which they are heavily marketing in the city.
The Peroni "non-shop" which sells absolutely nothing, is in King Edward Street – at a minimalist boutique store – so exclusive that only window shopping is allowed.
Situated in one of Leeds's most stylish shopping thoroughfares and located just around the corner from Harvey Nichols, Emporio Peroni houses a single bottle of Peroni Nastro Azzurro on a plinth, guarded by a well dressed Italian model who has been attracting plenty of attention from passers by.
The launch of Emporio Peroni in Leeds was celebrated with opportunities for people to win a number of prizes including a VIP night out in the city to a year's supply of Peroni beer.
Promoters of the brew say their 'Salute' team will be visiting Leeds's most stylish venues and offering people the opportunity to try a bottle of Peroni and inviting people to participate in the Peroni style profile quiz.
Richard Walker, Peroni Nastro Azzurro UK Brand Manager said: "We're delighted to be officially launching Peroni in Leeds. Emporio Peroni will create intrigue and excitement amongst shoppers and beer drinkers alike.
"We want to challenge people's perceptions of traditional beer drinking and position Peroni Nastro Azzurro as an aspirational brand that encompasses style, authenticity and quality. As one of the UK's most stylish cities Leeds was an obvious choice for us to launch in."
Posted: Monday, July 09, 2007
NAME : Emporio Peroni
COMPANY : Emporio Peroni
Emporio Peroni
7 King Edward Street
DATE : 6 July 2007 - 12 July 2007
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Ambient Media, Fashion, Shopping
Neil Duerden
After finding the works of Alberto Seveso and Caleb ( commented that I should check out the works of Neil Duerden... I found some fantastic photo illustrative works which are intricate and organic.
He's a mixed media artist who combines vector artwork with photography. The colours are vibrant but classy and capture the mood of the photograph. I love the way in one of the photo's below, how the flow of the illustrations work with the fabric but also against it creating some contrast. He obviously has a good eye for composition.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Design, Illustration, Mixed Media, Photography
Type Posters
Hey - Has anybody else noticed the large type posters which have been placed around the library at University? Some of them are really good! Worth a look... I hope that they stay around for a while, as it's the first time I have seen any of the School of Design's work being promoted. WHOOP WHOOP!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising
Monday, 27 August 2007
Danfoss Art Award
Found a competition which might be worth entering...
"The theme of the award is to “Visualise our Values”. You are invited to express our mission statement, values, and aspirations through your artwork. Choose among the eight statements, help us express and interpret them through art. You can see them on the right side of the screen, and you can find a brief explanation on each of them by using the link > mission, values, and aspirations on the left side of the screen. "
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Competition
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix (film)
I went to see the latest Harry Potter film today at the cinema... sad... I know! Having not read the books (hiss hiss) I have only ever watched the films so it would be great to have comments from others who have read the book and seen the film for comparison.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a fantasy adventure film, based on the novel by J. K. Rowling. Directed by David Yates, it is the fifth film in the popular Harry Potter film series. The story follows Harry Potter entering his fifth year at the magic school Hogwarts. The Ministry of Magic is denying the return of Lord Voldemort and also appoints a new teacher, Dolores Umbridge, a bureaucrat who slowly becomes an authoritarian figure in the school.
The screenplay was written by Michael Goldenberg, who replaced Steve Kloves, writer of the first four films. Live action filming started in February 2006 and finished in the end of November, and post-production on the film continued for several months afterwards.
I found the visual effects in this film the most stunning (from what I can remember) of all five films.
Tim Burke was the visual effects supervisor, John Richardson was the special effects supervisor, and Nick Dudman was the creatures special effects supervisor. The film required over 1,400 visual effects shots, and the London-based company Double Negative created more than 950 of them. Working for six months on previsualization starting in September 2005, Double Negative was largely responsible for sequences in the Room of Requirement, the Forbidden Forest, the Hall of Prophecies, and the Death Chamber.
A new character in the film, Grawp, Hagrid's giant half-brother, came to life by a new technology called Soul Capturing, developed by Image Metrics. Instead of building the character from scratch, the movements and facial expressions of actor Tony Maudsley were used to model Grawp's actions.
Double Negative have also produced special effects for The Bourne Ultimatum which I have also been to see recently... so I have included the website underneath.
Overall, the film was entertaining and I was biting my bottom lip in parts, but the storyline didn't seem as strong as the others... it was almost a little monotonous at times. I also felt like there was a bit of an anticlimax and the main part of the story seemed to be squashed into a relatively small amount of screen time. As always, the scenery and internal shots were fantastic. There was also some edgy film shots in parts of the film... to give a sense of being there.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Film
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Sara Singh
She produces free-flowing watercolour art - it's beautiful how she blends very sharp lines with very undefined watercolors. I also love the way she mixes mainstream fashion into her illustrations and can incorporate photos for adverts into her work. They are pretty to look at but there is also an element of intensity. They are quite simple pieces but the composition and colour makes them stand out.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Art, Design, Fashion
Friday, 24 August 2007
Aaron Goodman
Goodman creates conceptual photo-illustrations for advertising and editorial clients, one of which is below. My interest lies within photo-illustration, but his works strikes me because it's quirky and original. It's not what I would describe as 'typical' photo-illustration but more about playing with photoshop and seeing what effects can be achieved. His photography is a little cheesy at times but it gives him an itentity.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Photography
Andrew Zuckerman
New-York based photographer whose work I admire... especially his recent Puma campaign, featuring animals.
I love the way in which he has used certain animals to reflect the trainers personality. The animals and trainer work together in colour and composition. I also know that animals are very difficult to photograph as they move around so much, so I find his work admiring because you can connect with the animals.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advert, Advertising, Composition, Photography
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Bourne Ultimatum (film)
I went to see the Bourne Ultimatum film on it's opening night (Wednesday) and I would recommend anybody to go and see it. It definately helped that I had watched the first two but it's a great film in it's own right. Trilogies are usual flops but this is edgy, dramatic and well paced which keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole way through. It's intelligent so you're thinking and watching at the same time and the action shots are fantastic.
The camera shakes quite a lot which captures the mood of the film and makes you feel like you are there, watching his every move. The talent in the film is on another level - they are their characters which makes the storyline more believable. The action scenes are so brutally fast-paced and well choreographed that they seem instinctive instead of planned to the minutest movement; the stunt-work is nothing short of amazing.
The pacing is just incredible and there's never a moment when you feel like you don't want to keep watching. It keeps driving forward towards its conclusion, but not so fast that it leaves you struggling to piece together the plot. It's really focused and the script delivers the information you need as quickly and clearly as possible before moving on to the next tense action scene.
This is the best cinema film I've watched all year!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Film
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Yukio Miyamoto
Gradient Mesh master Yukio Miyamoto has been using and abusing Adobe Illustrator since the 80's. Yukio's artwork has appeared in a number of books, from design books to manuals. Yukio has trained thousands of people in all areas of graphics for the Mac and Win.
When I first saw these, I couldn't believe that they were photos... it just goes to show that it's not impossible to create life-like illustrations.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Design, Illustration
Thursday, 16 August 2007
We Feel Fine
We Feel Fine is an exciting online interactive 'artwork' that entices you to explore the varieties of human expression and emotion within the context of the computer age. At the core of We Feel Fine is a data collection engine that automatically scours the Internet every ten minutes, harvesting human feelings from a large number of blogs. Blog data comes from a variety of online sources, including LiveJournal, MSN Spaces, MySpace, Blogger, Flickr, Technorati, Feedster, Ice Rocket, and Google. Using a number of dynamic interfaces, you're able to specify demographic criteria to begin answering questions you may have about old folks in Finland on Valentines Day 2005, for instance.
The Madness movement, with its network of many tiny colorful particles, was designed to echo the human world. Seen from afar, Madness presents a massive number of individual particles, each colored and sized uniquely, each flying wildly around the screen, proclaiming its own individuality.
There's a lot going on with this site so definately worth checking out. It's interactive and current. It is a similar kind of concept to the sight which the GLOG pointed out where the images and sound change in connection with the weather.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Interaction, Internet, Website
Alberto Seveso
I'm particularly interested in the Illustration / Photo juxtaposition, so I was rather amused when I stumbled across the stylish works of freelance designer Alberto Seveso, Rome, Italy.
It's good to see women being illustrated in a different way to those which we see on club flyers etc. The way in which the illustration isn't confined to the contour of the body, yet you still get the feeling of the figure being 3D and lifelike is interesting to look at.
He told Carpal Tunnel Magazine: 'My passion for graphics was born about fifteen years ago when I had an Amiga 1200 and Delux Paint that I loved so much. But I switched to PC when a friend showed me the potentials of photoshop. I was astonished when I understood the power of that software'.
His site is definately worth checking out and he has some other works which are a little more wacky, and if you like his stuff you can buy prints!
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Design, Graphics, Illustration, Mixed Media, Photography
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Old School!
This isn't particularly related to design but whilst I was browsing, I came across a site which sells.... DipDabs! Does anybody else remember these? I haven't seen them in years but takes me back to when I was younger and used to walk to the corner shop! Excellent stuff.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Packaging
Montana Meth Project
A series of print ads by Venables Bell & Partners, LA, to warn teenagers of the 'party' drugs effects. This campaign helped make math the nations number one drug issue in the USA. These adverts really work because they subject you to the reality of taking methamphetamine and it's effects both physically and mentally. They use the shock tactic to show the harsh consequences of using hard core drugs. The aim is to scare naive teenagers (T.A.) into not using the drugs.
Posted by
Michelle Almond
Labels: Advertising, Photography
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